Sovereign Grace Church News

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Go Forward Fund Offering - This Week!!

Over the last ten years we’ve been running our Go Forward Fund and your involvement has been incredible! We’ve always been able to punch above our weight as a Church and so much ministry and mission, all for the glorious name of Christ, has been done as a result.!!

For that reason, we’re eager to go for this again this year, and so on Sunday March 10th we’ll be taking up our collection for this years GFF, wether that be for one off gifts or monthly pledges. We’re really excited to once again see what the Lord wants to do in and through us, and so although there’s absolutely NO pressure to get involved in this, but if you’d like to be, here’s what we’re going to be giving towards this year: 


1. Future Leaders

If we are serious about planting and strengthening strong gospel-centered churches, then training pastors and future leaders is absolutely vital, and that’s why it’s our sincere hope to send Austin Loke, along with his family, over to the US Sovereign Grace Pastors College this year.

The Sovereign Grace Pastors College is based in Louisville, Kentucky, and is a ten-month, academically intense program, designed to train pastors for ministry. Led by our friend Jeff Purswell, Director of Theology and Training for Sovereign Grace Churches, the academic curriculum is rigorous, but necessarily so, as the very foundation of pastoral ministry is the abiding truth of God’s Word. Yet that’s not all that happens during the year. The college also focuses on character development and practical training, all done in the context of a working model of a local church, ensuring that the classroom training doesn’t merely deliver information, but rather trains men through the lens of pastoral ministry. 

God willing, we are therefore eager and excited to get Austin & Ivy over to the college in August 2024… It’s going to be hard to see them go, but we look forward to having them return to serve at SGC Wahroonga!! 

2. Next Generation

It’s always been our desire as a team that we wouldn’t just have eyes for our own generation, but that we’d also give ourselves, wholeheartedly as a Church, to the generation to come. 

That’s why we’re looking to take Janelle Pearce & Steph Chow on part-time this year, so that they can give some further time and leadership to our SG Kids program, across both of our services. It’s also why we’re taking Marcos Cabral & Hannah Payne on part-time as Ministry Interns, so that more time can be given to SG Youth, community and evangelism… And in addition, it’s also a big part, as you are aware, as to why we felt the new 5PM service was so vital for us. A reality that in God’s kindness, is already bearing some good early fruit. 

When it comes then to this part of the Go Forward Fund, any money given into this will be used towards all of the above. May God truly raise our next generation!!


Sovereign Grace Churches - Global Missions

Sovereign Grace Churches are our family of Churches. A family who partner together to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ, seeking to fulfil our mission to plant and strengthen churches, train pastors, produce gospel-centered resources, and engage in missions throughout the world. We’re presently serving in gospel work in over 46 different countries, including places like the USA, Jamaica, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, UK, Germany, Italy, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Zambia, Liberia, Ethiopia, and many many more!

It’s a big world out there and we’re thrilled to play our part! And yet in truth, we have more gospel opportunities that we have the ability to fund, in a whole range of different places. That’s why we want to once again give to the work of global missions in our family of churches, that the Gospel may go forward, and many may hear of the wonderful name of Jesus!

Folks, thank you so much then for considering this year's GFF like you always do, with such diligence and enthusiasm. These are the things that we sensed as a team the Lord putting on our hearts for the year ahead and so if you’re able, please come ready and prepared to give on March 10th, and then see what the Lord does in and through all of this, all for the fame of His Name!!